Why Cat Eat My Hair? 6 Reasons You Need To Know

Why Cat Eat My Hair? 6 Reasons You Need To Know

Welcome to the strange world of cats and how they act! Have you ever woken up in the morning to find that your beloved cat or kitten had chewed on your hair? If so, you’re not on your own. 

This is a confusing situation for many cat owners. Why do cats like to eat our hair? It can be shocking and confusing when you look down and see your cat nibbling on your hair. However, this is a common thing for cats to do. If we know why cats eat hair, we can figure out how to stop them from doing it and keep the cats and their owners safe. 

We will look into why cats might eat their owners’ hair, the hair of other cats, and even their hair. We’ll also talk about why cats might eat hair that doesn’t belong to them. This article will help you figure out why your cat might be nibbling on your hair or the hair of other cats.

Here are 6 reasons why your cat might be eating your hair:

1. Your Cat May Have Pica

Cats can get a disease called pica, which makes them eat things like hair that they shouldn’t. This can happen when a baby is weaned too soon or when a parent tries to calm their child’s anxiety. Pica is the scientific name for a behavior in which cats and dogs eat things that aren’t good for them. 

Cats with pica eat plastic, clothing, rubber, paper, and even their owners’ hair. People think this behavior is linked to early weaning because it encourages oral behaviors like chewing and sucking. If a kitten is weaned too soon, it may want more of its pet parent’s hair, arms, earlobes, or hair. It is essential to find out why your cat is eating your hair and talk to a vet to figure out the best way to treat the problem. Some ways to help them are to give them something to do, like a scratching post, give them more toys or treats, or pay them more attention. 

If the pica is caused by anxiety, it’s essential to figure out what’s going on and make changes to help lower the stress. Also, it’s necessary to ensure the environment is safe and that anything that could hurt someone is out of reach. Cats can stop picking at their fur and live a happy, healthy life if they get the right help.

2. Your Cat May Be Stressed

Cats may eat their owners’ hair for many reasons, including to relieve stress. When a cat is anxious, chewing on its hair can remind them of how close they are to its owner and help calm them down. This is like when kids chew their thumbs, and cats may even do it when they are being petted. Keep an eye out for things that might make your cat anxious, like a new pet or baby in the house or a recent move. 

If your cat can’t stop chewing, it could signify long-term stress or an underlying health problem. Pay attention to changes in your cat’s behavior, like more grooming than usual, more meowing than usual, or more hiding than usual. All these can be signs that your cat is feeling stressed or anxious. This means it is looking for a way to deal with it. If your cat keeps chewing or starts doing it more often, it might be a good idea to find out why. 

This could be because their environment has changed, they got a new pet, or they just moved. It’s also possible that health problems like tooth pain or stomach problems cause chewing. If you think your cat is always stressed out, it might be a good idea to talk to your vet because this could signify a more severe problem. Pay close attention to your cat’s behavior and deal with any issues. Stress can happen on its own or be a sign of a health problem.

3. Your Cat May Be Reacting To Its Environment

Your Cat May Be Reacting To Its Environment

Cats are known for being very interested. They use their mouths to learn about the world around them. Since they don’t have hands, they can’t grab things. One of the six reasons cats like to eat their owners’ hair is that they react to their environment. This could be because of a change, like moving to a new house or having a baby. It might also be because they are bored. 

Cats can get bored just like people, and if they don’t have anything to do, they may try to get their owner’s attention by pulling and eating their hair. Some things can be done to help stop this kind of behavior. First, giving your fur baby more toys can help keep them busy and prevent them from chewing on your hair. If your cat is bored, give them more time to be petted and play games with you. Also, ensuring that your cat gets enough exercise and mental stimulation can keep them busy and stop them from getting into trouble. 

Lastly, if your cat is in a new place or situation, give them extra love and attention to help them get used to it. By taking the time to learn more about why cats eat their owners’ hair and taking the proper steps to stop it, you can help keep your furry friend happy and healthy.

4. Your Cat’s Genes May Be Behind It

Your Cat's Genes May Be Behind It

Cats have been kept as pets for hundreds of years, and during this time, certain breeds have been bred to have certain traits. This can include being active, needing attention, or chewing on many different things. Some breeds, like the Siamese, Persian, Maine Coon, and Ragdoll, have to groom their coats often to keep up with their needs. This makes them eat their hair and sometimes even the hair of their pet parent. 

This happens much more with cat breeds that have long fur and need more grooming. A cat tends to groom itself more when it is worried or upset. This can sometimes make cats eat their hair. This is especially true for cats who need much attention or have much energy. They might turn to their pet parent’s hair if they can’t find anything else to chew on. Cats are also known to like the taste of human hair, which could be another reason they might eat their owners’ hair. Because of their genes and upbringing, cats may eat their pet parent’s hair. 

How your cat is built based on its genes can only be part of why they tend to eat hair. However, having lots of fur on their coats can make them more susceptible to this behavior. The best way to deal with this is to give them enough attention and grooming. By training your cat to behave correctly and discouraging them from eating hair, they may eventually stop this behavior.

5. Your Cat May Have Medical Issues

Cats also like to eat their owners’ hair, which can harm their health. Diseases like feline leukemia, brain tumors, and diabetes can be a big reason cats act this way. These health problems can make a cat want to chew on hair. Hair-eating can also be caused by a lack of nutrients in the diet. An overactive thyroid or a stomachache can also cause it. 

Hyperthyroidism, which means the thyroid works too hard, can happen to animals like cats. This is common in cats over 12 years old and can make them suddenly want to chew on human hair. A sudden weight loss and a considerable appetite are also signs of hyperthyroidism. If a cat has any of these signs, it’s essential to get the cat checked out by a vet. Cats may also eat their hair if they don’t get enough food. 

They may eat plants, other edible things around the house, or even grass if they are hungry. It’s essential to pay attention to any changes in behavior and act if needed. Even though it doesn’t happen often, medical problems can be a big reason cats want to eat their owners’ hair. It’s essential to keep an eye on how it acts to keep the cat healthy and happy.

6. Your Cat May Be Seeking Attention

Your Cat May Be Seeking Attention

There are many reasons cats eat their owners’ hair, but one of the most common is that they like them. Grooming is a way for cats to show their owners they love them, and eating hair may be a type of grooming. Some cats may like the taste of their owners’ hair products. Grooming is a way for cats to relieve stress and show affection for their pet parents. 

As a sign of affection, cats may lick, chew, or even eat their owner’s hair. Mutual grooming is also a big part of a cat’s social life, so if your cat licks and bites your hair, it may be to show that you’re one of their friends. But if your cat’s hair-eating behavior worsens and happens more often, you should always make an appointment with your vet. Cats might also eat their owners’ hair to get their owners’ attention. Cats are nocturnal animals, so they might get bored at night and do things that will get their owner’s attention. 

This is often the case when it’s time to eat or when they want to wake you up after a good night’s sleep. It’s a great plan since it’s hard to ignore a tiny predator trying to rip the hair out of your head. To stop your cat from eating your hair, you can show them affection by petting or brushing them. This will give your cat the attention it needs without making it eat its hair.

Final Thoughts

Be aware of the health risks of cats eating their owners’ hair, like getting an intestinal blockage or being exposed to chemicals in hair products. Also, it’s essential to know what pica looks like in cats because it could be a sign of a health problem that needs to be fixed. 

There are many ways to stop cats from doing this and get them to stop doing it over time. You can keep them from concentrating on your hair by giving them toys, treats, or time to play. Also, consistency is essential when trying to stop the behavior. You can do this by walking away quickly and not giving them attention or your presence. With these tips, you can help your cat stop eating your hair and keep your hair from getting hurt. 

It’s also a good idea to make an appointment with your vet for an exam. They can help you figure out what’s happening and how to deal with any underlying health problems. With the right approach, you can help your cat stay healthy and happy while keeping your hair safe.

Further Reading

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