8 Reasons Why Your Cat Keeps Meowing

8 Reasons Why Your Cat Keeps Meowing

For some cat parents, there are times when they find themselves with an extra noisy cat. Constant meowing for long periods with varying volume. Sometimes, it would even wake up the entire family. You’re left to wonder what does it mean when a cat keeps meowing?

Unfortunately, there’s no one answer to this question. Cats communicate in different ways. They can be pretty complicated in expressing what they feel. At times, they would resort to meowing incessantly.

So if you’re asking what it means if a cat keeps meowing, then it’s best to keep reading. 

Interestingly, cats do not usually meow at each other until they reach adulthood. They keep their distinct vocal language to themselves. Your cat may excessively meow if they are hungry, terrified, sick, or in need of your attention and love. Cats create distinct meow sounds at different times of the day.

Why Your Cat Keeps Meowing

Determining the source of the issue can be difficult if your cat is meowing nonstop. If it appears in grave discomfort, you should take it to your veterinarian as soon as possible. 

There are numerous reasons why your cat may be crying all the time. They could be sick or sickly or want your attention. Here are 8 primary causes of your cat’s constant meowing:

1. Your Cat Wants Your Attention

When your cat wants your attention, it might be very vocal and persistent. You may be preoccupied with work or your personal life, but you should still make time to play with and love your cat. Your cat is reliant on you for affection and care.

Every day, you should strive to provide them with what they require. If you do not pay enough attention to your cat, it will most likely feel ignored and meow more. This attention-seeking behavior in your cat may result in behavioral difficulties. Above all, your cat has feelings, and you could hurt them by ignoring them.

Unlike popular belief, cats dislike being alone. Cats frequently meow to initiate play, petting, or conversation. Stop responding to attention-seeking meows if you wish to reduce them. Only pay attention to them when they are silent. If they start meowing again, either look or move away. However, do not disregard your pet. Spend meaningful time with them daily, playing, grooming, and talking to them. An exhausted cat is a more quiet pet.

2. Your Cat is Probably Scared

When your cat is terrified or threatened, it may frequently meow louder. This could happen if there is a rainstorm or fireworks outdoors, and they are sensitive to loud noises. This noise may cause them to scream or retreat and hide in a corner.

They may meow if the apparent threat is another animal, inside or outdoors. If you have just introduced a new animal into the house, such as another cat or dog, your cat may feel possessive about its space and terrified by the other creature they are sharing space with. This introduction may cause them to meow incessantly.

When cats are stressed, they frequently become more vocal. A new pet or baby, moving to a new home, getting sick, or losing a friend can all cause your cat to become pretty noisy. Find out what is bothering your pet and help them adjust to the change. If not, pay additional attention to your cat and figure out what to do to help relax them.

3. Your Cat May Be In Heat

During this period, cats communicate with one another. This communication can be annoying, especially at night when they meow loudly. Cats are most active at night. The most prevalent method cat parents use to prevent their feline from engaging in mating season is to neuter their cat.

Cats in heat prefer to brag about it. They become louder and more frequent. Cats have been reported to scream and become quite hostile during mating. Neutering your cat will allow it to relax and become a more obedient pet.

If your cat isn’t spayed or neutered, you’ll notice a significant increase in noise. Males yowl when they scent a female in heat, and females yowl when they smell a male. Both can be aggravating to live with. This can be avoided by having your pet spayed or neutered.

4. Your Cat Wants to Eat

Every time someone enters the kitchen, your cat may start crying. Even though it’s not mealtime, it’s probably hungry. When it comes to begging for food, cats may be incredibly persistent. They can also do this using treats.

If you want to train your cat not to meow:

  1. Refrain from feeding them when they meow.
  2. When they are quiet, try giving them their meal.
  3. When they remain silent, reward them with treats. Your cat will learn they will get their food if they are quiet.

Some cats meow whenever someone enters the room. They may be expecting a meal. Many cats get very loud when it’s time to eat. If this is the case, do not give them food when they’re acting out. Wait until they are calm and relaxed before feeding them. Also, don’t offer them rewards if they meow. If unsuccessful, you can buy an automatic feeder that opens at predetermined intervals. 

5. Your Cat May Be Feeling Under the Weather

If your cat keeps meowing for quite some time and doesn’t look as energetic, then it may be ill. Your cat may be agitated, thirsty, hungry, or in pain due to various diseases. The result is continual meowing. An overactive thyroid is an example of a disease that will keep your cat constantly hungry. They will cry for food more than usual due to their hunger.

Stress might cause your cat to meow a lot and make them uncomfortable. The cat may be in pain or not feeling well. Call your veterinarian immediately if your cat is in severe physical or emotional distress.

6. Your Cat May Be Getting Old

As cats age, they may develop mental disorders or bewilderment. They will feel unpleasant and potentially unsafe if they are confused. This uncertainty may make your cat scream more frequently, particularly at night. Feline cognitive dysfunction syndrome can occur in cats.

Your cat may develop impaired eyesight and hearing, become disoriented, and lose track of where they are in the house. When this happens, they frequently scream for aid. You can help them see better by installing a nightlight.

You can also provide a heated bed if they have arthritis, which is common in senior cats. Take them to the veterinarian to rule out any other medical issues. Cats, like humans, can develop mental disorientation, or cognitive impairment, as they age. They get disoriented and frequently cry out inconsolably, especially at night. If your cat feels disoriented at night, a nightlight can assist, and vets can often prescribe drugs to alleviate these symptoms.

7. Your Cat is Just Greeting You

If you haven’t been in the house all day or have been in different rooms for a while, your cat may become thrilled to see you and greet you with a warm meow. They may even meow a few times to tell you they miss you.

Cats meow a lot when their owners are back from work. They usually develop a habit of greeting you when you get back to the house. This can be a tough habit to break but think of it as a kitten welcoming you.

8. Your Cat is Very Lonely

They are depressed. If your pet spends too many hours alone each day, consider hiring a pet sitter to improve your pet’s life. You can set up a bird feeder outside a window where they can see it. Set out foraging toys with food inside. Get them a kitty condo and rotate the toys you set out for them to play with.

Cats are very loud creatures who prefer to express their emotions and expressions. They often feel at ease enough to tell you what they think and feel. The key is figuring out how to decipher all of the various meows.

Final Thoughts

When your cat keeps meowing, it’s best not to ignore it. The only exception is if you are confident it is meowing to urge you to do something it desires. 

In all other cases, it’s best to presume something is wrong—it might not have access to her litter box, its water bowl might be empty, or it might be imprisoned in a closet. Before you assume it’s just demanding by meowing at you, check if its requirements are satisfied.

Do not scold or strike your cat for meowing excessively. While these punishments may cause them to flee initially, they are unlikely to impact their meowing behavior long-term. They could, however, make them scared of you.

Further Reading

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