16 Norwegian Forest Cat Pros and Cons You Need To Know


Although Norwegian Forest Cats may give the impression of being wild and untamable, in reality, they are well-adjusted, calm, affectionate, and friendly cats.

This unflappable cat remains unaffected by the craziness surrounding it, no matter how bad things become. They can also adjust quickly to new situations, making them excellent pets in a household where there is always something going on and no two days are identical.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is an absolutely breathtaking creature! This breed is popular because of its good looks and kind demeanor, but it also has some downsides.

In this article, we will check the Norwegian Forest Cat pros and cons of owning this kind of pet. As a responsible cat owner, you must know the advantages and disadvantages before getting your own Norwegian Forest Cat. You should focus on this before buying a Norwegian Forest Cat if you have the chance.

The Pros: 8 Benefits of Owning a Norwegian Forest Cat

Pro: #1 – Norwegian Forest Cats are devoted pets

They are always by your side without being pushy. The Norwegian Forest Cat is curious and wants to be a part of whatever you do. This cat enjoys spending time with its owners and will do so without becoming obnoxious.

Despite being skilled hunters, Norwegian Forest Cats are peaceful and compassionate. They mature slowly, needing up to five years to develop fully. It takes some time for them to trust and create ties with their owners, but once they do, the Norwegian cat is a loyal and affectionate companion.

Pro: #2 – Norwegian Forest Cats are clever!

There is a significant degree of intellect present in Norwegian Forest Cats! They quickly grasp the meanings of various phrases and can even learn new tricks. It is also said that they can detect how you are feeling and will comfort you when you are in a bad mood!

People who get a cat to receive mental support from it have this tremendous advantage. Their high emotional quotient and perceptiveness might be an inspiration to many individuals who are struggling with depression.

Some people have referred to them as having a “dog-like” demeanor because they are outgoing and friendly. Often, these felines exhibit adaptability, curiosity, and bravery.

Pro: #3 – Norwegian Forest Cats have water-proof coats!

They are not scared of water, and their coats repel it! Most Norwegian Forest Cats willingly dip their paws in their water bowls, sometimes making a complete mess! Some even learn how to use the faucet, while others join their owners in the shower!

The Norwegian Forest Cat’s thick coat comprises a water-repellent outer coat and a dense woolly undercoat for insulation. A unique nutritional combination supports the skin’s “barrier” role while maintaining skin health and coat condition.

Because they were bred for the snow, they have extra layers of fur that protect their skin from the cold and wet – so even if their outside layer of coat gets wet, they’re still snugly warm and dry further down.

Pro: #4 – Norwegian Forest Cats are great companions!

Norwegian Forest Cats are lovely, even if you have other pets, including dogs. These cats want company and prefer to have a cuddly friend! Introducing them to other pets should be relatively simple if you take the proper precautions.

Norwegian Cats, like other cats, are laid-back and patient with children, including toddlers. The attitude of the Norwegian Forest cat is that they are often good with children and other animals, making them ideal family pets.

In fact, these cats enjoy a noisy household with always something going on! Their playful personality, of course, makes them excellent friends for your older children.

Pro: #5 – Norwegian Forest Cats are big and beautiful!

They’re large cats! 

Large cats have an unmistakable allure. These cats are not only enormous but also stunning! Their long, fluffy, dense coats and knowledgeable gaze are guaranteed to enchant everyone!

The Norwegian Forest Cat can be pretty heavy. They are frequently confused for Maine Coons due to their similar appearance. The face of the Norwegian Forest Cat is fairly trapezoidal, with a straight snout and a flat forehead, while Maine Coon’s is more wedge-shaped, with prominent cheekbones. 

They constantly appear to be smiling a little. Both have beautiful, rich, thick fur, but the Norwegian Forest Cat’s long coat is uniform. Their eyes are green, gold, or copper in color.

Pro: #6 – Norwegian Forest Cats are playful

The Norwegian Forest Cats seem to never outgrow their childlike antics and sense of humor.

The cats from Norway enjoy making their owners happy and will never turn down an opportunity to have some fun. The Norwegian Forest Cat is a curious animal that is also very active. 

They enjoy looking into all of the nooks and crannies, as well as climbing on everything. Consequently, they are typically located at the very top of the bookcase.

Play is one of their favorite things to do, and because they age at such a snail’s pace, they can maintain their childlike disposition for up to five years after they reach adulthood.

Pro: #7 – Norwegian Forest Cats can be easy to groom

Norwegian cats are relatively simple to groom. Despite their long and dense coats, they require weekly brushing. While some owners may disagree, many say they don’t have difficulty caring for their Norwegian cat’s coat. 

A Norwegian Forest Cat’s would groom itself, but it would be fantastic if you make brushing their hair a daily routine. They will mat if their coat is mistreated, although not as much as some other longhair breeds. However, keep in mind that they molt once a year.

Pro: #8 – Norwegian Forest Cats are daring creatures!

Unlike those shy cat breeds, the Norwegian Forest would enjoy accompanying you on neighborhood walks, especially if you start while your cat is young. 

This cat requires a high cat tree in particular. If the Norwegian Forest Cats are permitted to go outside, which is highly advised, they will run up trees and, unlike other cats, will expertly make their way back down. 

If you own a Forest Cat, you must have some climbing gadgets or cat towers because climbing is their second nature!

8 Norwegian Forest Cat Cons

Con: #1 – Norwegian Forest Cats can be overly active!

They can be excessively energetic for most people. Finding another less lively cat is preferable if you’re busy or spend most of your day away from home.

When bored, the Norwegian Forest might turn mischievous. From biting electrical cords to flinging stuff on the floor, this cat will rapidly learn how to gain your attention. 

That is why, before getting one, you must be sure that you can adequately care for its demands. It is essential to keep them entertained and occupied so that they can expend their energy, which is a lot!

Con: #2 – Norwegian Forest Cats are super rare!

They’re not that easy to get by! Norwegian Forest cats are prevalent in Europe but are more difficult to find in the United States. If you look hard enough, you can still find one.

The Norwegian Forest cat is a unique cat that originated in Norway and is now found worldwide. It differs from others in that it was not developed by humans and evolved spontaneously over time, making it one of the rarer ‘natural’ breeds.

You must find a reputable breeder who can provide legitimate papers ascertaining the cat’s pedigree. Another possibility is to adopt a Norwegian Forest Cat. However, due to their rarity and the fact that they’re highly likable, it could also be challenging.

Con: #3 – Norwegian Forest Cats require a lot of space!

They require massive dwellings or at least spacious surroundings. 

Norwegian kittens should only live in large houses because they are enormous and lively cats. That’s unfortunate, but we must prioritize the health of our pets. Norwegian Forest Cat kittens are very bold and full of energy. They are always running about and getting into mischief. 

They love to jump! This cat enjoys the companionship of other animals, so adopting a pair of kittens is an excellent way to ensure that they always have another furry friend with whom they can interact and play.

Con: #4 – Norwegian Forest Cats are prone to health problems

Unfortunately, Norwegian Forest Cats can acquire serious health problems, such as Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or HCM. 

HCM causes gradual thickening of the left ventricle of the heart and can result in abrupt death. The illness is not treatable, but if found early enough, the drug can help the affected cat live longer.

Because HCM cannot be identified through genetic testing, it can affect even a kitten born to healthy parents. On the plus side, accredited breeders examine their cats for various health conditions yearly, preventing afflicted cats from mating. That is why I strongly advise against dealing with backyard breeders.

Aside from HCM, hip dysplasia and glycogen storage disease type IV are common health conditions for the Norwegian Forest Cat. 

Con: #5 – Norwegian Forest Cats should not be left alone for long periods

Norwegian cats are gregarious creatures who should never be left alone! Norwegian Cats should not be left alone for lengthy periods since they can get melancholy or destructive. If you don’t work from home, make sure your Norwegian kitten has a fuzzy friend.

Despite their fierce independence, cats need to be petted and socialized. In addition, if they are left alone at home, they are likely to get into various scrapes. 

These things, particularly dangling cables, toxic plants, chemicals, plastic bags, and paper shredders, present significant dangers to your curious little feline explorer.

Con: #6 – Norwegian Forest Cats require much time outside

Because they are active and massive, they may require walks or catios to be pleased. 

If you don’t have enough space for a catio, leash walks are an excellent option. If you cannot provide your Norwegian kitty with a safe outdoor experience, choose the most peaceful kitten from the litter or hunt for a less energetic cat. 

It’s best to assess the kind of family life you expect to have with this cat. A tranquil and peaceful life may not be in the cards if you have a Norwegian Forest cat. 

Con: #7 – Norwegian Forest Cats are unsuitable for allergy sufferers

Norwegian Forest cats are not recommended for persons who are allergic to cats. Unfortunately, no cat breed is entirely hypoallergenic, but some perform better than others. Norwegian kittens are not known for creating fewer allergies than other cats, and their coats are dense. 

Another factor to consider is that males tend to create more allergens. Experts say that even if you’re allergic to cats, you can live with them if your allergy isn’t severe. However, you should still talk with your doctor before obtaining a cat if this is the case.

It would be best to consider finding a different cat or pet altogether if you are highly allergic.

Con: #8 – Norwegian Forest Cats are not well suited to hot regions.

If your summers are scorching, you’ll need to keep your residence at an average temperature. 

Also, limit your cat’s outdoor access when the sun is hottest. The breed is built for cold climates and may struggle in the heat of summer. 

The coat of the Norwegian forest cat is designed to insulate and shield them from the harsh winters of their native Norway. Still, it also means they are definitely too hot in the summer and would experience extreme discomfort that may lead to illness.

Final Thoughts

In the end, Norwegian Forest Cats can look after themselves and entertain themselves in their own unique ways. However, they should never be left alone for an extended time. After all, even humans can experience feelings of isolation when we don’t talk to or see another person for an extended period.

The ownership of this breed comes with several significant benefits; however, several negatives need to be given a lot of consideration. You must think about all this before buying a Norwegian Forest Cat if you have the chance.

Even though they are magnificent felines, Norwegian Forest Cats have a reputation for being a bit of a bother. To help you come to an informed conclusion, you should have conversations with family members and professionals in medicine, breeding, and animal care.

Further Reading

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