Why do Cats Chase Their Tails? 4 Things You Need to Know

Cats Chase Their Tails

Have you ever wondered why cats chase their tails? What is it about their tail-chasing that makes them so happy? Why do some cats go crazy when they see their own tail? Do all cats chase their tails?

It’s a common behavior for cats, but the reason behind it is still a mystery. Some people think that cats chase their tails because they’re bored, while others believe that it’s simply an instinctual behavior. No one knows for sure, but it’s definitely a fun sight to see! If you’ve never seen your cat chasing its tail before, be sure to keep an eye out for it – it’s definitely a spectacle worth watching.

This article will explore four things that science has discovered about the reason why some cats love to chase their tails. You may be amazed at what you find out!

Why Do Cats Chase Their Tails?

Why Do Cats Chase Their Tails

Cats have a long history of being fascinated with their own tails. It’s something that we humans don’t really understand, but it’s thought that the fascination comes from when cats were in the wild. In the wild, cats would chase their prey by pouncing on it and wrapping their tails around it, holding the animal in place. By doing this, the cat would be able to attack the prey’s neck and kill it more easily.

There are many other theories about why cats may be drawn to their own tails, one is that they’re drawn to what they can’t see. Their tail is a part of them that’s hidden from sight most of the time, so as a result cats might enjoy chasing their tails because they’re always looking for new things and opportunities. Another theory is that it’s simply an instinctual behavior leftover from when they spent most of their time in trees and looking down at the ground to hunt.

Some researchers believe there could be something called ‘orientation play.’ This means that while they’re playing with their own tail, they might also be trying to figure out where they are in relation to other objects or animals around them. It could also help them understand what direction noises are coming from or where food might be located.

Why Do Some Cats “Fight” Their Tails?

Why Do Some Cats “Fight” Their Tails

Cats have a strong instinct to chase anything that moves and their tails are no exception. Cats who have short and stiff tails will actually chase after them more often. This is because the cat can’t wrap their tail around anything, so they’ll just keep fighting it.

Cats use their back and shoulder muscles to fight with their tail. In one study, it was found that cats will spend an average of 12 seconds a day fighting with their tails.

How to Stop Your Cat from Biting its Tail

Stop Your Cat from Biting its Tail

Cats are cute, there’s no doubt about that. They look so innocent and loving when they sleep or give you a good head-butting. But at some point, even the kindest cat will go rogue and start biting its tail. This is usually because they have fleas or worms and are trying to kill the fleas off of themselves. Finding out how to stop the cat from biting its tail should be a priority for any cat owner.

The first thing to do is take your cat to the vet as soon as possible if you suspect it might have fleas or worms. Your vet may prescribe oral medication like Advantage for cats as well as topical treatment such as a spot-on solution to eliminate the problem.

What Should I Do When My Cat’s Tail Bleeds?

What Should I Do When My Cat's Tail Bleeds?

The first thing to do whenever the cat’s tail bleeds is to keep the wound clean. Use a warm compress and make sure the bleeding has stopped before you wrap it up. It may take a couple of days for the wound to heal, so make sure to keep it clean and dry during that time.

Vet-recommended ointment can protect the skin and fur on the tail to keep it from getting infected. You can also put a little bit of petroleum jelly on their tail after cleaning it to help soothe the itchiness if any.

You should always contact your veterinarian if your cat’s tail injury is deep, punctured, or has lots of swelling. The vet will be able to determine if the injury needs stitches or if they can suture it without stitches because cats are very sensitive in that area.

While most cats enjoy chasing their tails, there are some factors that make them more likely to do it. For example, cats with worms may chase their tails because they have irritations in their stomachs which causes them pain when they use the bathroom or go too long between drinks of water. This is why you shouldn’t let your cat go too long without drinking water or food!


If your cat has been biting their tail, there are a few things you can do to stop the behavior. First, you should try to identify what might have triggered the biting. Once you have identified the trigger, try to fix the problem. If your cat is experiencing a medical problem, you should take them to the vet as soon as possible. The Vet is always the best option when the biting gets worse and your cat seems to be hurting itself and it doesn’t look like fun anymore.

If nothing else seems to be working, try collars with citronella oils or placing bitter apples nearby. These can help deter the cat from biting their tail again.

So, the next time you’re tempted to freak out because your cat is chewing its tail, just remember that it’s probably doing it because it feels safe and comfortable. And as long as there’s no blood or other signs of distress, let your kitty be a kitty!

Do you have any fun stories about your cat playing with its tail? We want to hear them! Share them in the comments below.

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